
The LHS main office can be reached at (408) 366-7700. Once you know the extension of the person you'd like to reach, you may call the main office line and enter the extension to leave a voicemail message.

All email addresses follow the same format: first name_last

Please review our Guidelines for Emailing Staff Members before composing your message.


LYNBROOK Administrators roles & Responsibilities for 2024-2025

Assistant Principals provide support and oversight for the students with last names in their alpha groups.

Maria Jackson (408) 366-7702 Principal
Calvin Wong (408) 366-7702 Executive Assistant to the Principal
David Erwin (408) 366-7706 Student Services, Technology, & Equity Task Force (Student Support for Last Names Shb-Z)
Tara Grande (408) 366-7707 Activities and Facilities (Student Support for Last Names Lin - Sha)
Yukari Salazar (408) 366-7703 Curriculum, Scheduling, Staffing, EL, & 504s (Student Support for Last Names A-Gh)
Eric Wong (408) 366-7719 Climate, Interventions, Safety & Athletics (Student Support Last Names Gi-Lim)

Guidance & Student Support Services

Dang, Nikki (408) 366-7766 School Counselor (Last names A-Gh)
Goldstein, Malissa (408) 366-7790 School Counselor (Last names Shb-Z)
Howden, Shana (408) 366-7767 School Counselor (Last Names Lin-Sha)
Kuan, Iyun (408) 366-7739 English Language Learner Program Support
Leveau, Scott (408) 366-7747 Health Clerk
Lopez, Thomas (408) 366-7711 Student Conduct Specialist
Neudorf, Jack (408) 366-7725 School Psychologist
Nguyen, Thao (408) 366-7705 Data Technician
Nimmagadda, Faneetha (408) 366-7751 Peer Tutorial Clerical Assistant
Perez, Jackelyn (408) 366-7704 Guidance Assistant Principals Secretary
Rajabally, Jena (408) 366-7708 Attendance Accounting Specialist
Shin, Esther (408) 366-7710 Registrar
Starnes, Jenna (408) 366-7743 School Based Therapist
Stevens PhD., Brittany (408) 366-7756 School Psychologist
Tao, Melissa (408) 366-7709 Assistant Principals Secretary
Tseng, Nicole (408) 366-7759 Special Ed. (Speech Therapist)
Wong, Mimi (408) 366-7780 Senior Clerical Assistant
Yang, Tania (408) 366-7768 School Counselor (Last Names Gi-Lim)

Faculty (Teachers)

Contacting Faculty / Teachers

By Telephone

Call the main number (408) 366-7700 and enter the teacher's extension to leave a voicemail message.

By Email

Due to an increased level of spam e-mails, we no longer list teacher emails on the website. Parents and students can message teachers using Schoology. If you would like to email a teacher, please use the following protocol: first name_last

Please review our Guidelines for Emailing Staff Members before composing your message.

Teacher Web pages

Login to Schoology to access the course areas of teachers. Only students, parents and school staff have access to Schoology.