‘Bad Sugar’ is a 28-minute film released as part of the 7-episode documentary series ‘Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick.’ This episode follows the Pima and Tahono O’odham tribes of Arizona to explore the relationship between oppression/trauma and its impact on chronic disease (particularly type 2 diabetes). The film also explores strategies for community empowerment. As the authors note, this resource may be used to supplement diabetes curricula or as a case study for eliciting social determinants of health in history taking. The small-group discussion guide consists of goals, learning objectives, suggested readings, references, and 19 discussion questions. This resource could be used in a variety of settings, and was previously implemented with dental, medical, nursing, and public health students at the University of Maryland. For additional resources you can visit this webpage: https://www.pbs.org/unnaturalcauses/hour_01.htm – Katy Wright, PhD NCEAS
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD and College Park, MD